Top Interactions Export
You can export a full list of your Top Interactions, which will be emailed to you allowing you to download it in CSV format.
Email Meter Plus include your full list of Top Interactions instead of the limited 10, and also include the ability to export them — Click here to unlock along with all our other extra features!
To get started, first open the corresponding report for which you wish to export your Top Interactions.
The chosen dates, team members and any Advanced Filters will be reflected in the Top Interactions table, and also in the exported version of it.
Click on CSV Export at the top right of the Top Interactions table to request the download link.

You will receive an email to the attached email account with a link allowing you to download your full list of Top Interactions in CSV format.

This can be opened in Google Sheets, Excel and other spreadsheet software.
The following information is included:
Email Address - The address or domain you've interacted with.
Messages - The number of emails exchanged, both to and from.
Received Messages - The number of emails that address or domain has sent you.
Sent Messages - The number of emails you have sent that address or domain.
Response Time - The mean average of how long your responses to that domain or address took.
Best Contact Time - The time when it's best to contact this domain or address, calculated from when they tend to email you throughout the day. This would suggest that this is the time they are most likely to be checking their inbox, and therefore be most likely to see your email before it is buried under others.
Email Meter Plus include your full list of Top Interactions instead of the limited 10, and also include the ability to export them — Click here to unlock along with all our other extra features!
To get started, first open the corresponding report for which you wish to export your Top Interactions.
The chosen dates, team members and any Advanced Filters will be reflected in the Top Interactions table, and also in the exported version of it.
Click on CSV Export at the top right of the Top Interactions table to request the download link.

You will receive an email to the attached email account with a link allowing you to download your full list of Top Interactions in CSV format.

This can be opened in Google Sheets, Excel and other spreadsheet software.
The following information is included:
Email Address - The address or domain you've interacted with.
Messages - The number of emails exchanged, both to and from.
Received Messages - The number of emails that address or domain has sent you.
Sent Messages - The number of emails you have sent that address or domain.
Response Time - The mean average of how long your responses to that domain or address took.
Best Contact Time - The time when it's best to contact this domain or address, calculated from when they tend to email you throughout the day. This would suggest that this is the time they are most likely to be checking their inbox, and therefore be most likely to see your email before it is buried under others.
Updated on: 26/08/2024
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